🧑‍🚀 Hi, I'm Suhas Gopal

I'm a Computer Vision Engineer who loves solving challenging problems with creative solutions. My work mainly focuses on areas like object detection, 3D reconstruction, neural representations and 6DOF pose estimation.

I have completed M.Sc Computer Science from Saarland University and for my thesis, I explored "Separable Multi-view 3D Human-Object Reconstruction" under the guidance of Dr. Rishabh Dabral and Dr. Vladislav Golyanik, at Max Planck Institute for Informatics. It was a fascinating journey at the intersection of Computer Vision and Computer Graphics!. Along with my studies I was also a Research Assistant at the German Research Center for AI under the supervision of Caspar Jacob, where I got to develop interesting tools for interactive robotics research.

Before diving into AI, I worked as a Software Engineer at Amadeus Software Labs in Bangalore, where I contributed to building web applications for flight reservations system used by airlines worldwide.

Feel free to explore my blog and connect if something catches your interest. I'd love to hear from you!

Projects & Publications

Separable 3D Reconstruction of Two Interacting Objects from Multiple Views (3DV 2025)
Suhas GopalRishabh DabralVladislav GolyanikChristian Theobalt
RayTracer: a multi-threaded CPU-based raytracer in C++
Automated Guided Vehicle Survey
Signature Fraud Recognition (ICNEWS 2018)
Suhas GChiranjeevi SSamanth S MokshagundamSuraj S